Sunday, October 31, 2010

Somethings Never Change

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When I was eight, I read my way through Moby Dick, Sherlock Homes and Great expectations from the Great Illustrated Classics by Baronet Books. I read them on the toilet. 14 years later I'm doing the same thing; The books just don't have many pictures these days.

As a small child when October rolled around, it wasn't the prospect of halloween that had me eagerly waiting. It was the Sears Christmas Wishbook. They used to mail it out and I'd ask religiously if it came, Until one October my dad just handed over the mail key and made me mail man for the month of October.
Years later....I'm the daily mail man and I sort the mail into piles and I just picture up the 2010's Wishbook at Sears last Thursday. I no longer go through it to make my list for Santa but now figure out what I'm going to get everybody else.

My parents have often told me...from the time I was a wee child. The minuet I was put into the car seat I'd throw my hands up in the air demanding to be buckled in. I would grumble and glare until my want was met. When I started talking, I would tell everyone in the car to buckle up and I would throw a tantrum if they didn't buckle up before the car started moving to get out of the drive way.
Today I just refuse to start the car all together if my passengers won't buckle it.

It just amuses me to no extent that certain things just don't seem to change about people. Sure the method may change or the application but it really doesn't....just a little food for thought.

1 comment:

Bill Smith said...

As I get older those memories of my family as I grew up become more important and I often think we forget those simple pleasures in a world that robs us of our time and our fun. In my forties my mother still brings up things from when I was a child, I guess that will happen for as long as we have each other. We need our families and the memories they give us to