Monday, October 25, 2010


Lately I've been contemplating a lot, worldly and personal. Many of them I don't have answers to.

Why are we so concerned with STATUS?
You see it everyday in workplace, school on the metro and online.  Popularity- Who's queen bee?, Who has the best blog?, the hottest car?. I just don't get it.

Why Do I bottle things up?
If it's personal and it bugs me. I don't talk it out I shoe it to the back of my mind like a splinter and let fester. I know it'll eventually consume me, yet I do it anyways.

Whats with the world and religious retardation?
A true muslin can not be a terrorist, yet the whole islam faith is tarnished as a whole because of a few. Why must all Catholic Priests be pushed under the banner of pedophiles jokingly or subconsciously, because of a set of bastard priests who were?  What's with the dumb ass who burned the koran....clearly his God isn't the won I was brought up to believe in.

I've been contemplating things like this late. Maybe college has just brought out my critical mind from hiding. I have no idea.

Is there anything you contemplate?

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1 comment:

Bill Smith said...

If young people could be sincere like Hutch is and embrace the concept of loving your fellow man in its purest form, then maybe the world could move forward out of its deeply prejudiced and hateful current state.