Monday, December 27, 2010

A year in Review ( I stole the idea from Steve Cruz)

So I got this awesome little idea from Steve Cruz. Yes I stalk Steve on Twitter!...He returns the favour. I'm not going to hype up this blog. I'm pretty sure I can count the number of my blog readers and have fingers to spare. If your secretly reading....please, do step out of the closet ( No Pun Intended) I won't bite....unless your beef, medium rare and dressed in BBQ.

1. Started going to college - The few long time readers I've seem to keep since the start are well aware of my two year academic hiatus. This past September I enrolled in a General Arts & Science Program and I've loved it.

2. Figured out the public transit system- College graciously provided an unrestricted transit pass to full-time students. Being the cheap....I mean frugal individual that I tend to be in a lot of areas I've been abusing.  ( Are transit system could rival major cities!) I was shocked.

3. Saved $914 in past three months- It's all the transit pass

4.  Taught my first workshop on video editing - I took a condensed history course this semester and the final project involved a video production. A large number of the class didn't really no what to do. I volunteered to help a few and ended up teaching a full class. I've never had to teach something that wasn't athletic and I'm glad to say I survived.

5. Passed most of courses with 80s or higher - This one is huge for me! I've always been a weaker student in core subjects. I got my grades on Dec 23 and I was dumbfounded by the results. Normally I'd get minimum grades in core subjects.

6. Uploaded over 100 videos and Broke 100 Subscribers on YouTube - When I started uploading few videos as a means of storage and to show some family members. I never expected to be loading my 100th video four years later or to see 100 dedicated viewers. It's so unreal and I'm hoping I can deliver some more videos on the Brickers channel and start delivering a new style of videos on my new channel due out for 2010.

7. Twitter - Don't even call me a tweet whore I only have 5,000 tweets. I also fought tooth and nail not to join twitter and like a black hole it pulled me in. It's afforded me the ability to interact with people I probably never would have. Heck I ended up with some followers I never would of expected to follow me. I mean hell I'm just plain old Hutch.  Talked video games with Dillon Buck. The Brangelina of porn Steve Cruz and Bruno Bond follow me; Steve even shared about his christmas gifts with me, Manage to make Samuel Colt laugh a few times. Even poked a bit of fun at his boyfriend, Chris is a good sport! All these guys are gay porn royalty and it's humbling that they'd even look at one of my tweets let alone interact. Jeff from Str8cam lube has a lube thats taking over the damn world while we banter about stupid stuff or discuss his addiction to the weight room and  Nintendo Wii. Can't forget Rock, one a few people who can go pound for pound with me when it comes to making seemingly innocent tweets seem lewd. I'm also planning on having him take my anatomy tests in year two.  I've  gained a few friends over the past 7 or 8 months I've had twitter some of them are even mentioned in this blog in round about ways.

8. Hawaii Five- 0 - I grew up watching the original and the new one is just as amazing in it's own right. Plus the cast is utterly hot. Can't even say there is an ugly actor or actress on that show.


1. STD - This vindictive chick at the college spread around a rumour that I had herpes, Aids and slept around.   Because of her status in the social ladder a lot of people believed her. It really sucked.

2.  Figured out the catalyst for the STD rumour - After about a month of hazing, I started to track down the ignition source. When I caught up to her....instead of yelling all I wanted to know was why.  She saw me sporting the Red Ribbon on World Aids Day. Because of that one little Ribbon, she chucked it up to me promiscuous with men. Because you know all gay guys have AIDS. That one royally pissed off not because I was pegged as being gay but the fact she'd do that to a gay person. What if I had been legitimately gay? What if I'd actually been an AIDs?  Now that would of really hurt emotionally and been well damaging.

3. Got a 51 in Photography -  Wasn't to cool with this grade, simply because I know I'm not a half ass photographer.

4. A blogger tried force me out of the metaphorical closet. Indirectly calling me gay while full on attacking my character. Simply because I didn't fit there cut ideals of how a gay or straight guy should be. As much as I'd said about that and not caring about it over my blog. In a lot of ways I couldn't give a damn about that being said or posed. It was the person who did it. Now I'd heard a lot of shit about this blogger from a few other bloggers but turned a deaf ear and blind eye to it and thought to make my own judgement on them. They ended up burning me over conjecture instead of doing the adult thing and asking me. The thing is it hurt because I considered them a friend on some level. Since they had a blog with some pull with a lot of my readers. I ended up loosing a good portion of readers.
I'm a silver lining kind of guy so at least I got to realize who my loyal readers were and for that much I'm thankful.

5. Wisdom Teeth - I was a terrible teether as a child and that seemed to have stuck. I have the room for the teeth it's just their taking their own sweet time to grow in and decided to do a bit of growing here and there. Sometimes tylenol and aspirin do nothing for the pain. I've been side lined a few times from hockey because of them. Definitely sucks.

That is basically all there is to my 2010 year. I can't wait to see what 2011 holds for me and for you if you wanna blog it.
Because I got the idea form Steve....Go check his blog...he's nicer to look at.
Steve Cruz's Blog

I finally got my tech set up in my room. Yes I'm aware of how Geeky I truely am

Saturday, December 18, 2010

And a little eye candy for my gay buds

Since I had such a hard topic before, that I wrote out of pure frustration from the amount of hate mail and verbal beat downs over the issue. I just thought I'd be nice to the large amount of my gay guy readers " Most of them : () )" and the few women who read my blog. I'm secure enough to admit there are some guys who are flat out great looking and I'll say there attractive and mean. Though they don't do much for me even though I'll flirt with a gay guy and he'll no it's in good fun.

Lately I've been turned on to the new Hawaii Five- 0 on CBS( States), Global( Canada). Yes I grew up watching the original on VHS tapes and retro TV stations. Awesome Show. A lot of people who know me personally and watch the new series say I remind them of Steve McGerret personality wise on the show.  Steve is played by Alex O'loughlin an austrailian actor and yes I'm jealous of his body.

He's got that lean set of muscle but still a little bit of fat. Makes the guy look like he takes care of himself but still knows what a hamburger is.

Scott Caan also plays Danny " Dan-O" Williams in the new series.  Being only 5'5 myself it's nice to know I can add a bit more bulk and not look totally alien or weird. He's also one of my favourite actors.

Being a huge fan of Hockey, I gotta admit folks Hockey is like the hidden fountain of looks. We often get passed by because we are hidden under gear and our faces are always sweaty or bruised from the games but we clean up nice. Just take a look at a model shoot/ photo of these four NY Rangers Players.

" Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

* I use servicemen to cover both I'm not going to type servicemen and service women everytime. It's not that i mean offence it's that I'm lazy*

DISCLAIMER - I'm not homophobic! Before you pass off your judgement read the whole blog. If you have a problem with this view accept the fact it's just a view which I'm entitled to. I have no problem over DADT being retracted but I don't see DADT as being such a huge evil either because it did accomplish something I think some people miss. I'm not trying to evangelize my opinion. I'm up for debating and stuff but I don't want to have a pissing match either.

I remember getting verbally raped by staunch DADT supporters and those in opposition of it alike.  Because my view of the policy don't correlate with either spectrum.  I've had the pleasure of another blogger coming the conclusion that I was clearly gay and try to force me out of the "closet" and inadvertently try to draw readers away from my blog. Even better I've been made fun and occasionally abused for " Being Gay" with out actually being " Gay" so I've walked more then a mile in a gay guys flip flops thank you. I've been fortunate to be brought up by a mother who is actually against the gay orientation but still told me as a kid I needed to love them all the same, and a father who'd been a member of the Scottish Militia who was basically " Gay is Gay get over it" who has taught me to treat people on there personality and not the person in their bed.

I just see DADT for what it was trying to do. Prior to DADT, a recruiting officer could flat out ask about your orientation. If they suspected you were gay you were gone. If there was conjecture, you were instantly under unit scrutiny and formal investigation to uncover your preferences. However DADT  at least cock blocked commanding officers, Recruitment officers on some level from questioning a recruits orientation or investigating a service members orientation. It ultimately gave a homosexual at least a set of lock pick tools to the door of the military. It wasn't a perfect policy it still gave the public majority what it wanted in keeping homosexuals out, but in some way still allowed a homosexual in while expecting them to live a more closeted life. It still was a policy that made the first step.

Now more then 15 years later the general public has a better knowledge of gays. They are more excepting of it. Some people may still be hell bent against the gay lifestyle but tolerate and accept it.  Today DADT was retracted and thats fine because now just happens to be the time where its socially acceptable because there is a wider knowledge of gays then there was in 93.  

The funny thing is without DADT in the first place, today wouldn't of happened. DADT put closeted gays into the military in turn many of those closeted gays came out to close friends in the forces and commanders and over time other service for the most part didn't care because they saw that regardless of orientation gay servicemen were not jumping their bones in the barracks or the showers. Heterosexuals were given exposure to having gay brothers in arms. 

In my opinion the civilian populations vote on the matter was borderline procedure what really mattered was the vote of " Current Servicemen". If a huge majority of servicemen were against DADT being retracted it would of stayed in place. It didn't and I think the underlying exposure to gay service men DADT did allow had most current service members in a position to either not care about orientation or just accept it as small evil for the price of a good soldier.

Small side note
- I don't ever want to see a military formal dress uniform on a soldier marching  in a gay pride parade. That has nothing to do with a homophobic view because I wouldn't want to see a soldier in a formal dress uniform marching in a straight pride parade is they had them.  Any other uniform is fine but I think things like the FORMALs should only be worm for military functions, veterans/ remembrance parades and events and of course the Santa Clause Parade.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Joys of a well earned weekend

I started my weekend thursday night at the pub. Despite having three tests the next morning. I know mature isn't it. It was totally worth it. Spending a night in a just about empty campus pub with three of my best friends from college. It said a calmer mood and it wasn't hot and sweaty from dancing with everyone just chills and small thrills.
Yes Coad and I are dressed in layers. Both being athletes and normally going between the field of play, gym and class we add or strip layers and the 1.5 K walk from the campus building had us chilled like vodka martinis.

I don't have to wear a pink wrist band simply because the Pub has my ID on digital file, accompanied by a smart serve cert. I just walk in my buds get tagged and carded.

Around 9 PM, we decided on calling it quits some of us had 1 and half hour commutes over transit to get home. I drove and not feeling confident and slightly buzzed. I called my Dad to pick me and Michelle up, when my dad got to the pub he asked if Coad and Jon wanted rides so we were set. It was awesome my dad even joined in on Hotel California and sang horrible out of tune with out drunk ass(s).

It was nearing 11 by the time I got in the door, seeing has dad had to go out to another town to take Jon and Michelle home. Then through out town past another one into the next to get Coady home. Then dad decided he wanted snakes so we drove back past our town into the next to get a snack at the store, then home.

The night was great and an awesome plan in theory until I found myself cramming for marketing at 2 AM. Ha went to bed woke up at 6 and started my day. I think I did a decent job of the marketing and probably did well on the computers and math as well. Can't wait to get those grades back. I have final left for Marketing, Computer and Math coming this upcoming week. So I'll be doing some studying but I'm definitely confident and refuse to stress and pysche myself out over it.

Friday night when my weekend actually start I hit up a jam session with Jeff and a few friends. It's been awhile since I"ve taken the time to really kick out on the drums. Came home and did nothing but crash and vege out.

This semester has been insane for me but worth every second of it.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

World AIDS Day

My College took World AIDS Day to an entirely new level for me. I've always known the significance of today and what it represents, but I'd never seen promoted so widely. Not many people wore the ribbon simply because the pins were cheap thin hardware nails and nobody wanted to get stabbed.
On campus you got the sense that AIDS as terrible as it is. Is not just a desires for gay guys. Nor that it was  only something that affected the gay populations. It reminded those on campus that AIDS doesn't discriminate based on race, gender, orientation or just infects.
Safe Sex is always promoted on campus though it's slightly more geared toward women in the women's center. Even abstinence is promoted until marriage and what not.

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Here's to being a rubber back and World AIDS Day.

I play safe beyond athletics. on Twitpic

Since you two seem to be the only tweeting bout world AIDS da... on Twitpic