Thursday, August 5, 2010

Names Hutch, Up close and personal

Clearly you don't know me at all.
Don't for a second think, I don't know whats going on behind the scenes. Just because I'm young that doesn't mean I'm blind.
I see through your crap and the front you push. I'll never pretend to fully understand the world or everything in it. Because not even the wisest of men can say they understand it all.
I'm not so nieve to claim to understand all of a world in which I don't live. I won't claim I don't have an understanding of it either.
Like some superior being you come on all high and mighty and point out my faults or faults you've determined that I have with out really knowing me at all. Things you've pushed as my short comings...I can sit and point them out in you. Problem is.....why should I bother? what satisfaction could possibly come from that. Turning people against you? Making you look bad?. Some satisfaction that would bring.

My name is Hutch,
I'm not some " Immature" kid, trapped in the " Closet". I say whats on my mind regardless of what other think. I'm one of those what you see is what you get guys, But I'm not one dimensional. Like a rubix cube I'm "Simple" but you can sure "Complicate" the hell out of me.  I don't live my life in pre-determined boxes of standards set by someone else. If I'm living "My" life by somebodies else's guidelines. Then who's life am I living?

1 comment:

Hutch Gibbs said...

I find some of my better work comes from me being pissed off.