Friday, July 9, 2010

A Hierarchy of Needs

Let's take a trip back to all those business or psychology courses you swear you paid attention to in school. Really you didn't because you were to busy paying attention to that hottie in the 2nd row. It's ok though because the hierarchy of the needs so repetitious in school. You'd be one gifted case if you managed to not know at least part of this thing.
I'm not some motivational speaker and I never plan on being one. The thing is I finally really realize how this thing fits into life. Even though I swore it was pointless in school. It's really an eye opener when you actually understand it, it really explains so much about life it almost scares me.
Ever have anyone call you lazy?....I've been called lazy so much in life. It's like everyone expects you to perform at your peak all the time. The thing is there are always going to be days where your peak just isn't going to happen. Because some where in the hierarchy something isn't being met.

This pyramid of needs has five whole levels, one more significant then the next.

Level 1- Basic Needs- These are by far the most important because truthfully with out basic needs being met on a small or a large scale it will affect the rest of the levels. If you've missed a meal and your hungry. Your not paying the fullest attention to your boss's presentation. If you really need to pee, your concentrating on keeping it in your bladder and not on your pants forget calculus. If you some how didn't sleep well or even missed out on a lot of sleep. Your performance level through out the day drops and you can be a real pain in somebody's arse somewhere.

Level 2- Safety Needs- Trust me if you don't feel safe in your neighbourhood, school, work or in a situation. Well that screws things up to. If your getting bullied on the job or in class. You don't feel safe weather that's physically or emotionally and well your job and tasks are affected because of this.

Level 3- Psychological Needs- Now thats a pretty damn huge thing. Because everyone has them. Everyone needs to feel accepted and not like an outsider looking in. When a guy or gal feels that way like they are not accepted it hurts and it's hard to reach their peaks. People we need to feel loved, not just in the boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, Wife sense or blood relative love sense. We just need to feel loved and at the end of the day know there is someone who really is watching are six, that cares about our well being. A lot of times when a person's psychological needs are not being met...they try to find away to make those needs met and often look in the wrong places. Because school, work and home were not meeting them. I'm pretty sure those people in violent gangs, prostitution( Porn Stars, I'm not really counting them) and things like that. I'm willing to bank on the fact they didn't want those walks of life when they were five.

Level 4- Self- Actualization - When those essential bass needs are being met, people really begin to see they've got potential and can really do things. When we were five and we got that sticker for doing good on our spelling test we tried harder the next time around because we saw our potential. The thing with a lot of people who reach this point...they accept themselves and others and generally don't hold much by way of pre-judices.

Level 5- Peak Experiences- When all those bass levels are being met on small scales or large scales...well people are working at their peaks and performing at their peaks.


Beyond my topic of blogging today....I just got my final grade for this semester. I managed to pull off a solid 92. I'm incredibly impressed with my grade and I hope I can keep performing at this level and leave with a nice rounded GPA and hit the working world with Storm.

Whats been up with you guys the blog readers?

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Hutch Gibbs said...

I think it's an A...well it would be a High A according how grading worked in high school.
I'm not sure if there is a shift in how it's graded I'll have to look into that.
I think I'm now only really hitting into level four. High School was such a yo yo ball set of years for me.

Unknown said...

Cool topic. I'm hovering in the level 3 area with some dips into level 2 because of finances. I guess this is probably why my writing has been suffering lately.